Full body massage is generally a Swedish style massage however here at Heaven on Earth Wellness Therapies I always tailor your full body massage to you as an individual - so this may actually mean your full body massage is a mix of massage styles and techniques to get the very best results for you at the time of your appointment.
What areas of my body will be touched in a Full Body Massage?
During a full body massage it is entirely up to you, the client, to decide where you are happy to be touched - it is your body after all. Some people, for example, cannot stand to have their feet touched and so the client's wishes would be respected and this area would not be included.
Underwear is always worn during all massage for your own dignity and hygiene purposes and private areas are always respected and avoided. A typical full body massage would include:
However, as your massage is completely tailored to your needs on the day, it may be more appropriate to spend longer on one area and leave another out - as your massage therapist I would discuss this with you during the consultation at the start of the massage to make sure you're getting the best from your massage experience.
If you have any more questions about full body massage, or any of the other therapies I provide, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I'm more than happy to discuss!
- Joanne
PS. If you would like to read more about Swedish massage, please read my blog post here.