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  • Writer's pictureJoanne

BIG NEWS - Remedial Massage Therapy Available Now

Look what arrived in the post!

All the hard work I put in through the winter (despite breaking my foot after the first day of the course!) paid off and I’m now officially a Remedial Massage Therapist. I'm feeling quite proud but also so greatful to the people who let me practice and experiment on them through my training and for my case studies.

But what does this mean for your treatments?

Well, I’ve already been using all the skills and techniques I learnt on the course, so you’ve already been benefiting from an advanced level of work with more effective techniques tailored to you - I hope you've been feeling the difference.

I hope you can share in my joy, I was jumping and screaming when I saw ‘with distinction’ - I’m absolutely over the moon!

I look forward to seeing you in clinic very soon.

- Joanne

Remedial Massage Therapist at Heaven on Earth Wellness Therapies, Paignton
Remedial Massage Therapist at Heaven on Earth Wellness Therapies, Paignton

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